Have I ever told you how much I love to drive in Germany? It is the most nerve racking experience. The roads are ridiculously small, barley two lanes wide, with blind curves through a whole neighborhood. And to top it off, Germans don't really care where they park. Just any old place on the side of the road will do. Doesn't matter if they take up half or the whole lane. Then when driving around these precariouly parked cars one must watch for oncoming traffic that thinks they have the right of way. It usual is solved by courtesy but some times becomes a test of testicular fortitude. Who has the bigger balls? I fear not only for my sanity but my side view mirrors as well.
Today's Culture Shock Picture (cause Mike reminded me there hasn't been one in a while)
I bought these at our local grocery store. I just couldn't pass these up. Notice the label "Fur Coole Kids". Love it.
A few Translations (from left to right, top to bottom):
~ The Magic sticks are Sparklers they say "Wunderkerzer" Wonder Candle/Spark
~ horror-House says "Leuchttaler mit Blitzlicht-Effekt" Shine more taler with Lightning light effect
~ Spiderlights "Blitzfonatne mit knister und knattereffekten" To lightning fountain with more crackle and rattle
~Alien fire "Bodenkreisel mit Silbereffeckt" Ground gyroscope with silver effects
~ "Teufelstanz" Devil Punch (my favorite translation)
~ "Geisterstunde" Ghost Hour
~ Mystery Balls say "3 Kugeln mit spruh knister und knattereffekten" 3 Balls with spray, crackle and rattle effects
I can't wait to try them out.
And lastly, I added a link on the left ----> to my Photo Blog. Just an eclectic colection of photos so that I can link to them from else where, but you are welcome to check it out too.
Today's Culture Shock Picture (cause Mike reminded me there hasn't been one in a while)
I bought these at our local grocery store. I just couldn't pass these up. Notice the label "Fur Coole Kids". Love it.
A few Translations (from left to right, top to bottom):
~ The Magic sticks are Sparklers they say "Wunderkerzer" Wonder Candle/Spark
~ horror-House says "Leuchttaler mit Blitzlicht-Effekt" Shine more taler with Lightning light effect
~ Spiderlights "Blitzfonatne mit knister und knattereffekten" To lightning fountain with more crackle and rattle
~Alien fire "Bodenkreisel mit Silbereffeckt" Ground gyroscope with silver effects
~ "Teufelstanz" Devil Punch (my favorite translation)
~ "Geisterstunde" Ghost Hour
~ Mystery Balls say "3 Kugeln mit spruh knister und knattereffekten" 3 Balls with spray, crackle and rattle effects
I can't wait to try them out.
And lastly, I added a link on the left ----> to my Photo Blog. Just an eclectic colection of photos so that I can link to them from else where, but you are welcome to check it out too.