
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Yeah! We finaly got the net at home... oh wait there is a lot in between huh?

We got the Jeep in at the begining of the month. We picked it up at our sister post Grafenwoir (pronounced Graf-en-veer). It is a much bigger post with all kinds of good stuff. We also got to see Vilseck wich has the huge PX. They are only about 30 minutes away. I may end up working there if nothing happens here.

Next, we moved in to our AMAZING house and received household goods on the 9th. I'm still unpacking. It only took 3 hours for them to unload the boxes but then the movers made us sign the paperwork and skipped out without helping unpack like they are supposed to. I guess nobody knew enough German to explain it to them. :P

Between unpacking and aranging my house I've been working on setting up my sewing area and starting a new quilt. It is nice to have something creative to do. There are only so many video games you can play before your brain feels like jelly.

Sushi is getting setteled in at work. As a matter of fact he's there all weekend. At least he gets to come home from the feild each night. Unfortunatly, when there is a rotation of training going on the gate that we go in gets closed so we have to go all the way around post. Fortunatly, since the "Box" (thats what they call the training area) is right by our house you can hear the helicopters and fake gun fire all day. Its really neat. I'm such a geek that I grinned all day because of the Huey low flying over the road I was driving on last week.

Here are some pictures we took in Regensberg when we first got here. There are some of Velcro too (just because she is a camera ham). We went to Parsberg last weekend to a place called Mobilhof. Its is a furniture/home store bigger than most malls. It is like 2 wearhouses, 3 stories tall conected together. And stuffed full of great German designed furnishing. I love it! There are about 4 couches that I HAVE to have. :)

Sorry no culture shock pic today. I need to transfer them off the lap top.



  • At 5:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    A Mathilda Cafe? How cool is that? That is almost as cool as Hasselhoff at the Berlin Wall! Germany is so cool. I might have to eat some Strudel later tonight. Bork bork bork...

  • At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great pix! I always loved the way Europe looked. Wonderful things to see. I'm so glad you are enjoying yourself. Jingle Belle weighs twice as much as Velcro & can hardly get up the stairs, let alone any where higher than that! We put her on the fat cat diet. Things here are good, Bri is letting us see Neko regularly, you know he is adorable,(3 1/2). He is ga-ga about dinosaurs & when he says the names...its so cute :-)
    Thank you for keeping us posted. Miss you, have fun, later Toni

  • At 5:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great pictures, miss you guys.



  • At 6:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great pictures, miss you guys,


  • At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alex... That's the SWEDISH Chef that said Bork bork bork....

    Anyway, nice to see you guys have net finally! Try and login MSN more often. Since I can get on at work, We should hopefully be on at the same time!

    You'll never guess who I ran into a Fry's....

  • At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi - I´m Werner from Germany. I am member of the KONTAKT-Club, a German/American friendship club at Rose Barracks, Bldg.2222. We meet there every friday 7 PM. If you are interestet, you´re welcome, everybody who wants. For more informations look at

  • At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

  • At 12:53 AM, Blogger vinnie said…

    The swedish chef was the only Muppet to have naked human hands.... I <3 Jim Henson


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